Friday, December 01, 2006

Exploration This Week

What I m up to for this week:

It’s very important to write down things which you are planning even your goals as it gives a psychological effect of getting things done. And once you receive these goals and plans your written assessment gives you feeling of accomplishment try this out it really feels great.

The year 2006 is coming to an end and I thank god for giving me healthy and happy life.
I m looking forward to travel and visit my parents this Christmas it will be almost and year an a half since I have seen them so I m just pretty excited about it.
With this impatient feeling of the time to come soon I have lot of things to catch in both school and work as I want to be out of stress during my holidays.
This particular week I m working on finishing up my research proposal for communication management and I will be spending most of the time researching for its resources and coming out with a draft paper by Wednesday next week.
The idea behind my research is – MAC-DONALDS and its operation worldwide and its effective communication and management strategies. This is my first time writing something like this so it’s kind of bit challenging for me, but I do have a have a confident still I will do my best.
Your views and help are welcome on this issue.
Another thing on my list after this is reorganizing pending work in the company in order to hand over the operations to the concerned person during my absence and that’s taking a lot of my time.During some free time of the day I want to explore more into my trip of where all I will be visiting, in which Madagascar and South Africa on top priority so I will be planning for my dates and places to visit in these countries

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